
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New way to access status bar panel in Firefox 25+

Since Firefox 25 old way to access status bar using getElementById("statusbar-display") is not working anymore. Instead of this old way you need to use gBrowser.getStatusPanel() code. So, update your extensions in accordance with the last changes. But don't forget about those users who will not install Firefox 25 :-).

Friday, January 4, 2013

How to specify unpack option in Addon SDK

Everyone thinks that it should be really easy to specify unpack option for your extension using Firefox Addon SDK. But it is not so easy as it looks at the first glance. Addon SDK has no such command line option.

So you've two ways to do that:

1. You can edit this file: %ADDON_SDK_HOME%\python-lib\cuddlefish\app-extension\install.rdf. In this file just find the next line:
and change to
After that all extensions compiled with Addon SDK will have unpack option set to true.

2. If you need to compile only one extension with this option specified to true then you'll need to perform bit more work. You need to edit __init__.py and rdf.py files in %ADDON_SDK_HOME%\python-lib\cuddlefish folder. That should be quite easy to do. Just search for "update_url" term in these files and see how exactly this option is implemented. After a couple of minutes you should be able to add your own options to the command line of Addon SDK.